Find out how to access CV Writing, Interview Prep & Networking Skills for FE & HE Students


Thursday 14 November, 3:00 pm

End Time: 5:00 pm

The Crush


Find out about the new SCREEN Cluster courses offering exciting opportunities for current FE & HE students studying in Northern Ireland who hope to secure that elusive new entrant job in the Film & Television Industry… A team of Production Professionals will take the students through the workings of either the Art Dept, Production Office or the Locations Dept.  They’ll receive advice on current industry practices, guidance on preparing their CVs and tips on how best to tackle that first job interview.  They’ll hone their networking skills and have the opportunity to put them into practice… several of this year’s course attendees will be selected to spend time on set during a working production.  

To find out more, come and visit us on Wednesday morning 10-12, and Thursday afternoon 3-5pm



